This Is The Impact Of The Danger Of Eating Fast Food, Must Read!
This Is The Impact Of The Danger Of Eating Fast Food - Fast food is so scrumptious it tastes good in addition to also serving very quick way of course is suitable for people who are very busy and no time to eat. In between fast food like pizza, burgers, instant noodles, fried chicken and more. You need to know that fast food is extremely dangerous if consumed too frequently, as it contains levels of salt, sugar, fat and calories. In addition to the regular sparkling beverages to accompany fast food is also very dangerous. The effect of soda for the health of others is can cause bone fragility and make bone growth is not perfect.
The culture of eating fast food now is increasingly widespread among the public in various countries today. One reason for such as are already in explain over IE because it tastes good and is more practical. Before you try it out, the one thing you should consider is the condition of your health. According to a study of fast food is extremely detrimental to health, for more details you can pay attention to the reviews here about the dangers of fast food for health.
The Impact Of The Dangers Of Fast Food For Health
1. Causes Of Obesity
Obesity or overweight belongs to a disease that can cause a variety of other ailments. Even more than half of Americans suffering from obesity. United could be said as a pioneer of fast food manufacturers, currently has a number of extremely high obesity sufferers. No less, the number of children in America who suffer from obesity is quite high. This also caused the fast-food consumption levels in those countries where a high fast food already in country culture as Uncle Sam. Read The Best Source of Carbohydrates in Food
2. Fast Food Cause Liver Damage
Liver damage is also often associated with the consumption of fast food. While it may be the danger that one is not directly known by the community. Trans fats or trans oil used when fast food frying process indeed can make food to be more durable than the damage to be consumed. But it would be injurious to health after consumption.
Our bodies naturally will indeed trying to clean up content or substance – a substance that isn't useful for the body. But the presence of trans fats and artificial preservatives will make the hearts of the extra work to clean a variety of substances that are classified as toxic to the body. So that it can eventually cause damage to the liver.
3. Fast Food Causes Cardiovascular Disease
Diseases related to the heart, whatever it is will lead to someone experiencing the most fatal consequences like death. Consume fast food that contains a lot of sodium and cholesterol will cause damage to the heart.
The high sodium content in fast food such as French fries, fizzy drinks or processed meat can make blood pressure rise. In addition to the copious amounts of sodium in it can clog arteries. Both of these can cause a weakened heart work that could lead to you it is difficult to exercise to keep your body's health.
4. The leading Cause of type 2 Diabetes
Fast food be the solution to a lot of people who are busy and can not take yourself to cook at home. Sugar and salt are used in high quantities in fast food as already described above, will lead to obesity if consumed too often. While obesity itself is one of the factors the causes of type 2 diabetes. So we can directly say this is food for diabetics that must be avoided. Read Diabetes Diesease - Type, Symptoms, Causes, Prevent
5. Causes inflammation of the Gastric Wall
Inflammation of the walls of the stomach are also called Peptic Ulcer Disease or PUD is a disease that most often occur in the stomach. Usually people suffering from the disease one is often experiencing pains in his part very. Fast food that can cause inflammation of the wall of the stomach is the pizza, chips savory.
6. Fast Food Causes The Digestive System Disorders
Fiber is a substance that can launch our digestive system. In fast food, mostly through a process of deep fried and a less healthy basic materials can cause you to lack of fiber in the body. The lack of fiber will cause our digestive system abnormality.
7. Causes The Body Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutrition is very important functions for the various systems in the body. Consume fast food frequently will cause the body lack many nutrients. This is because fast food contains no vitamins, minerals or other substances and fibers that are very useful for health. If continuously consume fast food, it could be a body or organ – a certain organ in the body can experience interference.
8. The Cause Of Stress
Foods that contain a lot of fat can be the cause of various health problems such as heart disease, blood vessel blockage and many more. Some research apparently reveals that fat with the amount that goes into the body can increase the stress on a person. Of such research also mentions that people who frequently consume high-fat foods such as fast food tends to have the risk exposed to high stress when compared those who do not consume fast food or foods low in fat.
9. Causes Of High Blood Pressure
The disease high blood pressure called into the big three diseases suffered by Americans. And consume fast food will cause the condition got worse. For example, fast food such as hamburger contains 540 calories and 29 grams of fat. In the hamburger is also 10 grams of saturated fat, and 1.5 grams of trans fat and sodium content as much as 1040 grams. So, if you eat foods cause high blood like this, it will cause extra work very body to absorb substances – substances that included increasing the heart rate, clogging blood vessels that subsequently became the cause of blood pressure becomes high. Read Foods to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
10. Fast Food Causes Arthritis
The abundance of sodium contained in fast food can have an impact on your joints function – function. In addition, the lack of nutrients in the fast food joints work resulted in decreased.
11. Cause Of Cancer
Preservatives in fast food can give long-term effect which is very dangerous. Preservatives can accumulate in the body, affecting – organs and can regenerate cells – cancer cells. The effect may not be directly you can feel. But consumption in the intensity of the time often and in a long period of time will form the cancer cells in some years later. Remember cancer is the deadliest disease in the world should you prohibit, start reducing the fast food.
12. Interfere With The Respiratory System
Obesity is often associated with various health problems. One of them being overweight will interfere with the respiratory system. Even without a diagnosis the doctor though, obesity can cause a gasp of breath – puff and breath short. Obesity can even effect on the occurrence of asthma and sleeplessness. The latest study, published the journal Thorax added if children consume fast food will increase the risk of diseases of asthma and rhinitis. Read Healthy Foods For Asthmatics
13. Cause Damage To The Central Nervous System
There are several different types of headaches and various factors that caused it. Some of the causes can be found in the foods we eat such as salt, MSG and nitrates are also processed meats.
A study published in Public Health Nutrition showed that eating fast food like pizza and hamburgers increase levels of depression related to the nervous system.
14. Causes Of Facial Acne
We often blame the emergence of pimples on the face on chocolate or nuts – nuts that we eat. When in fact the cause of acne is not a nut or chocolate causes acne, according to the Mayo Clinic is carbohydrates. Thus the fast food that contains high amounts of carbohydrates can increase blood sugar also causes the appearance of pimples on the face.
15. Damage The Enamel Of The Teeth
When we consume fast food that in fact contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugar, bacteria in the mouth will produce acid. The acid substances are hard on the teeth. Then the acid substances will damage the enamel of teeth as well as the causes of cavities.
16. Causes Of Osteoporosis
If you like to eat fast food, need to be beware if fast food contains a lot of sodium. This lot number of sodium if it gets into the body will also impact adversely on the bone.
17. Causes Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome can be caused by a combination of diseases that occur in the body. These diseases include hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is basically happens because trans fat that accumulates in the body due to the consumption of fast food.
Here's some of the impact of the danger of eating fast food. May be useful.
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