14 Benefit of Carrot For Health And Beauty

14 Benefit of Carrot For Health And Beauty - The article this time I will discuss about the benefits of carrots for health and beauty, let's see. Benefits of carrot is very diverse, not only for your health but can also be used for a wide range of other needs, the carrot is a very nutritious vegetable. The carrot is widely known as a source of vitamin A, it has a range of other benefits. The benefits of this nutritious vegetables carrots will be when consumed regularly. The same as the benefits of fruits and vegetables in General, the benefits of carrots is also very much for the health of the human body.

Before knowing the various benefits of carrots, it's good to know the content of various nutrients contained in it.

Nutrient Content Of Carrot

According to the American Department of Agriculture, one medium-sized carrot or ½ cup chopped carrots can be considered as one serving. One serving of carrots contain 25 calories, 6 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams of sugar and 1 gram of protein.

Carrots are Rich in Vitamin A

Carrots are the most foods rich in vitamin A, providing about 210% Vitamin A from the needs of adults per day. Carrots also contain 6% of vitamin C, 2% of Calcium and 2% iron per portions.


These vegetables contain antioxidants beta-carotene that makes carrots orange color is bright enough. Beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestine and converted into vitamin A during the digestive process.

The Content of Vitamin and Minerals

The carrot is a good vegetable for health, carrot contain fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc that are desperately needed by the human body.

Apart from the above, carrots nutrition also has various benefits for human health, including:

Benefits Carrot for Health

1. Reduce Risk of Cancer

In the carrot contain phosporus, hydro charcoal, beta carotene that makes it very good for the health of the body. Content of beta carotene, is believed to prevent the body from cancer. Research shows, people who consume carrots 2 times a day, can lower the risk of disease 17% of breast cancer.

Other studies have also shown that carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Research found the substance falcaridinol and falcarinol substances constituting anticancer. Falcaridinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protect roots from fungal diseases. The carrot is the only source of vegetables that have this substance. A study showed the risk of cancer of the lower 1/3 of rodents who consume carrots.

2. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Consume 6 pieces of carrot in a week, according to a Harvard University study that carrots can reduce the risk of bad cholesterol in the body, which can suppress the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants in carrots also help to lower high blood pressure, which can trigger heart disease. Read Best Foods to Maintain Healthy Heart

3. Increase The Human Immune System

The system immune body's can be strengthened with carrot consumption regularly. Research shows eating carrots mixed with coriander, can prevent malicious viruses that invade the body. Carrots also contain antioxidants, benefits of antioxidants known to be very important to keep and throw away the free radicals.

4. Preventing Stroke

Studies at Harvard University shows that the consumption of 6 pieces of carrot a week can suppress the risk of stroke compared with those who only consume 1 pieces per week.

Read too:

5. Maintain Eye Health

Carrots are rich in contain of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina which needed to sharpen the vision of the eye.

Beta-carotene has also can protect against macular degeneration and cataracts which is one health problem that often occurs in the elderly. The study shows that people are consuming beta-carotene had a 40% lower risk of macular degeneration compared to those not taking it.

6. Maintaining Healthy Kidneys

Healing properties in carrot juice is very helpful to clean and filter the deposition in the kidney. Although experts say that people with kidney disease should not drink juice, but carrots vegetables are very powerful for maintaining healthy kidneys. Read How to Maintain Kidney Naturally

Benefits of Carrot for Skin And Beauty

In addition to the health of carrots also have benefits for skin and beauty, including:

7. Maintain Healthy Skin

Benefits of carrot skin lies in the content of vitamin A and other supporting substances, which are capable of keeping the skin in order to remain beautiful and glowing. Carrots eliminate freckles on the skin, due to pigmentation. Its use can be directly consumed or created as a mask. consuming carrots on a regular basis, it is helpful to prevent various kinds of skin disease attack.

8. Prevent Premature Aging

Carrot is one of the good sources of antioxidants, antioxidants will counteract the free radicals that are exposed on the skin. The benefits of the antioxidant itself is also believed to slow down the effects of premature aging.

Benefits Carrot For Pregnant Women

In addition to the health benefits and beauty above, it turns out that carrots are also beneficial for pregnant women, including:

9. Quality and Quantity of Breast Milk 

Carrots can help increase the quality and quantity of mothers who are breastfeeding.

10. Keep Fertility

Fertility is one of the ideals of all the pairs, one carrot juice consumption because it can increase fertility.

11. Maintaining the Health of The Fetus in The Womb

Carrots are also useful to the fetus in the womb because it has vitamin A that is quite high, in addition to its high antioxidant content both for maintaining the health of the fetus to grow healthy.

This is some benefit of carrot for health and beauty, thanks for visiting.

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