29 The Best Food Rich Antioxidants

29 The Best Food Rich Antioxidants - Talks about antioxidants, we all know that antioxidants are very important to fight the free radicals that can damage healthy cells in the body. Antioxidants protect cells in the body, and increase the durability of the body as a whole.

Some of the benefits obtained from consuming foods high in antioxidants include:
  • Reduce risk of cancer
  • Slow down aging
  • Detoxify or cleanse the toxins in the body
  • Makes the skin look healthy

29 The Best Food Rich Antioxidants

The Best Foods Rich Antioxidants

Our bodies can actually produce some important antioxidants such as Glutathione, acid Alpha-Lipoat (ALA), and CoQ10. Protection of natural antioxidants this will decreases with increasing age. Some antioxidants can also not produced body, so we need to get it from foods containing antioxidants.

Many nutritionists believe that this better way and natural compared to consume an extra supplement. Many antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables. However, the type and quantity of the ingredient is not always the same. Some types of antioxidants in fact can only be found in certain foods.

The best way is to include these foods into your diet daily. Foods high in antioxidants are usually rich in other nutrients, so it gives many other benefits for the body and health.

What foods are rich in antioxidants are important to your body? Check out the list below:


Fruit a berry, especially red as strawberries and raspberries, rich in acid ellagic. The results of a study published in the "Journal of Nutrition" ellgic acid revealed that it could improve the ability of quercetin (antioxidant in apples, blueberries, grapes, etc.) to kill cancer cells. Another study in 2011 suggests that strawberries can increase the levels of antioxidants in the blood. Any strawberries come in vitamin C and other phenolic substances which can help lower bad cholesterol levels.
You Know? An antioxidant is a molecule that can inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. Although oxidation is actually essential for life, this process can be dangerous if it involves free radicals and oxidative causing pressure. Cell damage that it causes even often associated with various diseases such as cancer, heart, dementia, and more.


Blueberries are often dubbed as a superfruit antioxidant ingredient among other fruits. The antioxidants in fruit is very diverse, ranging from anthocyanin, tannins, myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, pterostilbene, klorogenat acid, vitamin C, A, to resveratrol. Anthocyanin is an antioxidant which potentially alleviates inflammation and prevents cancer and heart attacks. Meanwhile, vitamin C and A are important for maintaining the body's durability.


In addition to blueberries and strawberries, high antioxidant also owned other berry fruits such as Blackberries, blackcurrants, goji berry, and cranberries. Cranberries are a unique combination of the antioxidant anthocyanin, proanthocyanin, fenolat, flavonoids, and triterpenoid. Cranberry antioxidant benefits you can get optimal cranberry processing if true.


The fruit has been cultivated since about 6 – 8 thousand years ago has a variety of antioxidants that are beneficial to health. The most prominent is resveratrol, which may protect the brain and nervous system. Resveratrol is also effective to prevent degenerative diseases, inhibits the development of cancer, lower blood pressure, as well as maintaining heart health and elasticity of blood vessels.

Grape also contains anthocyanin, proanthocyanin, kaempferol, quercetin, tannin zeaxanthin, lutein, beta carotene, etc.


Cherries have a lot of content of essential nutrients to the body. Cherries are rich in antioxidants such as beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, melatonin, and anthocyanins. Anthocyanin can fight free radicals with bind to DNA or enable system detoxification as well as antioxidants in the body. Some studies show that anthocyanins can prevent the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells, slow the progression of cancer cells, as well as to relieve inflammation and pain.


Pomegranate is known for its contain of polifenol, particularly the anthocyanins. There are other polyphenols such as tannin, punicalagin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin glycosides. Vitamin C per 100 grams of him whatsoever reaches 17% of the daily requirement. There are also plenty of antioxidants in pomegranate skin so often extracted and made into supplements.


Orange and other citrus fruits such as lemon are synonymous with a high vitamin C content. Fruit with flavors of fresh sweet sour also has beta carotene, beta cryptoxnthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, anthocyanins, etc. Vitamin C and citrus in A beneficial to strengthen the immune system. Citrus fruits include the WHO recommended to be included in the diet of the cardiovascular disease prevention. Meanwhile, the results of the study over the 48 studies by CSRIO United showed that the diet equipped fruits citrus can provide protection against some cancers significantly.


Some types of antioxidants can you get in apples, ranging from beta carotene, quercetin, and vitamin c. Quercetin flavonoids liquid that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Apple also helps lower glucose absorption by the digestive system and stimulates insulin so it is good for diabetics. In addition, Apple consumption regularly decreases the potential risk of lung cancer in women by up to 21% based on research conducted Harvard Medical School.


Just as with orange and lemon, papaya in vitamin C is very high, i.e. achieve 103% of the daily requirement per 100 grams. Papaya also contains carotenoids, beta carotene, vitamin E, lycopen, pectin, and polyphenols as antioxidants.

Vitamin C and carotenoids help prevent blood vessel blockage by cholesterol so as to avoid heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin C, E, and beta carotene is also potentially provides protection against macular degeneration and cancer of the colon. Meanwhile, lycopen believed can lower the risk of prostate cancer in men up to 82%.


More than 40 types of Xanthones found in the mangosteen fruit, with the importance of each function. Among them there are alpha mangostin and antioxidant compounds that have a garcinone E as anti-tumor. Mangosteen also contains catechins, quinones, stilbene, and polyphenols, which functions as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

In Thailand, a study revealed that the alpha mangostin, beta mangostin, and garcinone B in mangosteen helps inhibit bacterial infection causes Tubercolosis. Meanwhile, the results of a study published in the "Journal of Nutrition" showed that consumption of Mangosteen Juice on a regular basis helps decrease inflammation in the blood.


Vitamin C include guava, the highest among other fruit. Per 100 grams, guava cans fulfill about 3 times daily antioxidant needs. Guava also contains carotenoids and vitamin E. Additionally, there are several polyphenols such as galokatokin, leukosianidin, as well as a higher number of likopen on guava red.

One study showed that guava is allegedly able to prevent the development of breast cancer cells and lowers the risk of prostate cancer, allegedly because of the content of likopennya. The nature of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial has helped nourish the digestion, protects the intestines of some carcinogens, and relieve digestive problems such as diarrhea, dysentery, and gastroenteritis.


The fruit is often processed into juice contains alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin to which has antioxidant compounds. Benefits of avocado good for health, especially in boosting the immune system and prevent degenerative vision problems.


Mango is able to meet the daily needs of about 46% and 25.5% vitamin C vitamin A per 100 grams. Beta carotene in it very much, it looks from the fruit flesh color is orange. Mango also has zeazanthin, lutein, likopen, pectin, mangiferin, xanthonoid.

Studies of the Institute for Food Research suggest that pectin may help prevent the development of prostate cancer cells. Sedankgan study of Texas Agrilife research revealed that mango can provide protection against cancer of the colon, breast, blood, and lung.


Kiwi contains vitamin C and his able to fullfill 1.5 times daily requirement per 100 grams. The fruit is synonymous with New Zealand also has vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and catechins. One study showed that the antioxidant qualities of kiwi is better than orange. The Kiwi has also often been used in China as a traditional medicine to treat liver cancer, breast, lung, and stomach.

Date palm

Dates contain some antioxidant compounds like tannins, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are good for maintaining eye health. Dates are often used as a traditional medicine to treat nyctalopia. Dates also have an anti-inflammatory which help decrease the inflammation along with magnesium.


The fruit can also be categorized as a vegetable is one of the main sources of likopen antioxidants. Studies show that likopen better than vitamin E and beta carotene in warding off disease. Any tomatoes are rich in vitamin C which helps to increase the resistance of the body.


Broccoli is rich in vitamins C, A, beta carotene and zeaxanthin, which function as antioxidants. Broccoli also has a potentially sulforphane phytonutrients lowers the risk of some types of cancer. kaempferol, quercetin, and anthocyanins in it has the effect of anti inflammation and can slow the progression of cancer cells.


This vegetable is rich in phytonutrients that are useful as an anti inflammation such as saponins, quercetin, kaempferol, and routine. Asparagus also features antioxidant beta carotene, vitamins C and E. The study even suggests that asparagus contains glutathione which is produced by the body.


These vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach contains vitamin A, C, E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin include carotenoids. Spinach also features that help widen the kaempferol blood vessels so as to facilitate blood flow and lowers blood pressure.


Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene. But several recent studies have found that polikatilen is the no less important phytonutrients in carrots. Polikatilen is known to inhibit the development of colon cancer. The study also found that carotenoids not only help prevent oxidative damage in the body, but also on polikatilen.


Chili is actually rich in vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant. Chili also features vitamin A, E, B complex, K, and other important minerals.


Paprikas are also rich in antioxidants. Study of Spain tried to look at the availability of vitamins C, E, and 6 types of carotenoids (Alpha carotene, beta carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, likopen, zeaxanthin) at common meals consumed there. As it turned out, only two vegetables, namely tomatoes and paprika, which contains at least 2/3 of the nutrients sought. Peppers even contributed 12% zeaxanthin and 7% vitamin C from all types of food consumed participants.


Corn contains an antioxidant carotenoid which gives it a yellow color. Corn contains carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein helps against degeneration seniors and blindness. One study in the "Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry" discovered that the longer the corn is cooked, the higher levels of lutein in it.


Pumpkin contains carotenoids in the forms of beta carotenes which gives him an orange color and nourish the eyes. Not only that, it turns out the pumpkin seeds are also rich in vitamin E. The two of them are alpha tocomonoeol and gamma tocomonoeol which also has the benefit of antioxidants.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a source of vitamin E which is very good for skin health. No wonder the sunflower seeds are often used as a beauty product. Vitamin E can also neutralize free radicals and anti inflammatory effect so it can relieve the symptoms of asthma, and osteoarthritis.


One clove of garlic contains vitamins A, B, C, selenium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Garlic is widely used as a traditional medicine and natural antibiotic. Including for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, detoxification of toxins, preventing cancer, and anti-fungal.

Red Onion

The onion has high polyphenol content, even higher than the garlic, tomatoes, carrots, and red pepper. The onion also includes sources of flavonoids quercetin the best among the other vegetables.


Ginger root extract is known to have antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory, and anti tumor against the bodies cells. Saripatinya containing 5% gingerol may even kill ovarian cancer cells in lab experiments performed Dr. Liu of the University of Michigan.


Oregano contain various phytonutrients including timol and rosmarinat acid that acts as an antioxidant. In a study of lab, oregano has stronger antioxidant capacity compared to synthetic antioxidants commonly added to food.

These are some of the foods that contain high antioxidant. Thanks for visiting, and hope useful for you.

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