The Best Source of Carbohydrates in Food

The Best Source of Carbohydrates in Food - Carbohydrates are the very substances needed by the body of every human being. This is because carbohydrates have so many functions. A source of energy for the body is the main role of carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram. On the system of blood circulation in the human body, source of energy resulting from the presence of carbohydrate that acts as a glucose.

In addition, carbohydrates also serves as glycogen liver also needed by the muscle tissue. The rest, the presence of carbohydrate acts as the fat stored in fatty tissue as energy reserves for the body. In the presence of carbohydrates, fat metabolism in the body will also be organised so as to prevent the fat oxidation process imperfections. Carbohydrates are also capable of optimizing the function of the protein as an astringent body builder. When there are no carbs, so the main task of the protein would be disrupted because of the transfer of the functions of the proteins as energy reserves should be the primary role of carbohydrates.

The other function, carbohydrates are capable of waging a digestion because beneficial carbohydrates contained fiber in the launch process of digestion and bowel movements. The fiber is also capable of preventing colon diseases, obesity, coronary artery disease, high cholesterol or diabetes because the body is still able to get glucose from carbohydrates and not so requires the role of sugar, so the sugar levels in the blood will not be excessive.

The Best Source of Carbohydrates in Food

Food Sources of Carbohydrates

After learning various important functions the presence of carbohydrates in the body, you can listen to the kind of food that is a source of carbohydrates. As it turns out, not only carbs you can get from the rice being the staple food in some countries. Some other foods whose existence looks very trivial, it also has excellent carbohydrate content. Food-food that is very easy to find because of the presence of substances carbohydrates on Earth is also so abundant, given the function of the substance itself is so absolute for survival. Here are a few types of food-producing the very best carbs you need to check out:

The Best Sources of Carbohydrates

1. Red rice

Red rice contain vitamin B and higher in fiber than white rice. In 1 cup (50 grams of rice), red rice has a fiber content of 3.5 grams while the white rice has 0.6 grams fiber. The high fiber content in red rice will keep you full longer and not quickly feel hungry so you don't overeat. In addition, red rice also has lower calories compared to white rice. Because of this, the extended red rice may be able to help you in weight loss programs.

In addition, brown rice is also good for diabetics because of its high content of fiber and also have a low glycemic index thus helping sufferers of diabetes mellitus in maintaining blood sugar levels. Another advantage of the red rice, that's not saturated fat content that can help you keep cholesterol levels in the blood.

2. Whole Wheat Bread

Bread is one of the alternative options other than rice. However, choose whole wheat bread than white bread if you want to get more benefits. Whole wheat bread may be the right choice for you who are in weight loss because of the calories content lower than white rice. Whole wheat bread also has a lower glycemic index than white rice. This helps so that your blood sugar is not quickly rise and also prevent the hungry come faster.

In addition, whole wheat bread also contain the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, and contains vitamin E and folate. Folate helps eliminate functional homocysteine of the blood that can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Whole wheat bread also contains more fiber than white rice.

3. Oats

Oat is one type of whole grain that can help you lower the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Oats contain fewer calories and carbs, but contain higher protein compared to white rice. In addition, oats also contain vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, and folate. Oat is also one of the sources of riboflavin. Riboflavin plays an important role in transforming carbohydrates into energy, forming red blood cells, and also supports growth. Oats also contain zinc in the same amount as red rice.

In addition, oats also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Calcium is important for bone strength, iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, and phosphorus plays an important role in muscle and nerve function, as well as in energy storage. A no less important is the oats also contain fiber. Fiber is helpful in the digestive system, and also minimize the risk of high cholesterol, heart disease, and obesity.

4. Potato

Potato is also one of the foods that can replace the white rice. Potatoes have a lower calorie than white rice, but higher than the red rice. Potatoes also contain higher fiber than white rice, especially if eaten with the Peel. Potato skin can add to the content of the fibers. In addition, the potatoes also contain vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, and vitamin c. potatoes are another plus contains calcium minerals 5 times more phosphorus, 2 times more potassium, and 14 times more than white rice. Potatoes and white rice contains zinc and magnesium in the same amount.

Excess potato is potatoes have a lower glycemic index than white rice, but much higher glycemic index on potatoes compared to red rice. Boiled potatoes better than white rice because they contain more vitamins and minerals, but if added oil, butter, cheese, and more certainly will add to the number of calories of potatoes.

5. Nuts

Some types of nuts can make your stomach easily satiated with durable, such as soy beans, red beans, long beans, green peas, beans and peas. This is due to the existence of complex carbohydrates that are conceived by nuts. In addition, peanuts also contain substances like other good fiber, fatty acids, omega 3, and protein also vitamins.

6. Corn

Corn also has turned out to be an excellent source of carbohydrates. In addition, the fiber while folic acid in corn, very good for the health of the body. Corn can be processed into corn, rice or mixed into a salad. However, you can still enjoy the corn with enough to boil or burn it. Compared with white rice or rice, sugar content in corn is much lower, so it is recommended as an alternative food for those of you who suffer from diabetes.

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