How to Maintain Healthy Kidneys Naturally

How to Maintain Healthy Kidneys Naturally - Kidney function is to filter the blood of impurities and excess water, and then making it the urine. The kidney also serves to help control our blood pressure and produce the hormones needed by the body to keep it healthy. When the kidneys are damaged and disrupted, the dirt and substances other useless will accumulate in the body, and result in many health disorders.

The human body has two kidneys, shaped like a bean and its size is approximately as big as fists. To cleanse the blood of impurities, the kidneys release three important hormones:
  • Erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells.
  • Renin, which serves to regulate blood pressure.
  • Calcitriol, the active form that is of Vitamin D, which helps substantiate the calcium for bones and maintaining the balance of chemicals in the body.

How to Maintain Healthy Kidneys Naturally

The Risk Of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease increases, everyone can experience the disease of kidney damage, regardless of age and gender. However, the greatest risk of experiencing kidney disease found in people who have diseases such as follows:
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Heart disease
  • Family health history who have experienced kidney failure.

Tips For Maintaining Healthy Kidneys

Maintaining the health of the kidney is very important, given its function which is very vital to the body's health in General. Here are tips that can help to make the kidneys stay healthy, especially when you have a risk of experiencing kidney disease:

1. Exercising Regularly

Maintain kidney health is the main thing with regular exercise. The benefits of sports in addition to keep endurance and body fitness, it also can help the health of important internal organs function, such as the lungs, heart, and kidneys. Many studies prove that exercise really help the formation of urine become more smoothly and not obstructed. If you are a regular exercise, surely there is no problem with your kidney health.

2. Much Drinking Water

Nearly 70 percent of our body needs water and by keeping the white water intake 8 glasses per day will help maintain balance in the body. With white water to reproduce, the kidney will work better because the disposals of urine into the kidney become performance smoothly and not heavy.

3. Avoid Obesity

Obesity or being overweight is also a cause of kidney function a person became distracted. The weight continued to rise surely will make growing fat and hoarded around the stomach. So the kidney will be easily pressured and congested. If it is so, it becomes more difficult for the kidneys process urine. No wonder if kidney disease is very easy to approach the sufferers with the problem of obesity. Exercise routinely become the solution to prevent myself from the problem of obesity and fat buildup.

4. Keep Your Blood Pressure

Blood pressure greatly affects the health of the kidneys. High blood pressure will make you potentially have a kidney disease. There are many things to keep the blood pressure is not too high, such as preventing stress. In addition, the set also your sleep patterns. Quality sleep for 8 hours per day will help you to avoid stress.

5. Eating Patterns

Not only that, your food menu should also be regulated. If necessary, the monitor always regular food you consume. Because kidney function as filters toxins, then the less healthy foods that will make your kidneys work harder. Also it is recommended not to drink drinks energy in long time especially during dehydration.

In addition, the food is less healthy for the kidneys are foods that contain saturated fats and sugar. A perfect solution to preserve the health of the kidneys is to consume a lot of fruit and vegetables. The content of vitamin, iron and minerals in the food source it will certainly be very helpful to maintain the health of other organs. Make it a habit to consume fresh fruit and vegetables on a regular basis to prevent the kidneys from damage.

6. Keep Sugar Levels

Kidney health with diabetes have some linkages. So many of them diabetics eventually have problems on his kidney. Therefore, keep the sugar levels in the body is also very important for the health of the kidneys.

7. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Smoking and alcohol can harm the body condition. Not only can damage the kidneys but can also damage other organs in the body. If you want to still have a healthy kidney, should quit smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of kidney cancer that most occurred because nicotine content that builds up in the body. Moreover also avoid consuming alcohol.

In the early stages of kidney disease have no symptoms at all. The sufferer may not be felt any difference until the disease is advanced, and entered the stage of damage to the kidneys has been bringing various health disorders.

The fact that increasingly reinforce the reasons for us to always keep the health of the kidneys and the body in General and life patterns by adopting a healthy diet in everyday life.

This how to maintain healthy kidneys naturally. Thanks for visiting, and hope useful for you.

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