Healthy Foods For Asthmatics

Healthy Foods For Asthmatics - The risk of asthma attacks is indeed annoying and makes the activity be deterred. For that reason, it is important to find ways and solutions so that the disease can be cured. Unfortunately, until now not done treatment intended to cure this disease until recovered. Because there is no treatment that can cure with the whole. As for the treatment performed by a doctor against asthmatics that is focused to relieve the symptoms and impact caused. Read Asthma Disease

However, other than with drugs that are given by doctors, cope with asthma can also be done with the consumption of some healthy foods that are safe for asthmatics. Although there has been no research that proves that there are certain foods that can cure asthma, but it would be better if everyone can keep your intake of nutrients in the body in order to be free from the risk of asthma. Read Food Rich Antioxidants

Healthy Foods For Asthmatics

Healthy Foods For Asthmatics

Well, here are some specific types of foods and drinks that can be consumed by the asthma sufferer.

1. Apple

Apple is known for rich in phytonutrients and antioxidant content of flavonoids and folifenol. Flavonoids in apples are quercetin, epicatechin, include, and procyanidin B2.

One medium-sized Apple contains 4 grams of dietary fiber, which can meet about 17% of the recommended daily fiber intake. Still with the same measure, Apple is able to provide 14% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Vitamin C and beta carotene, which is much of the natural antioxidant contained in apples. The fruit is also a great source of B complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thianmin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). There are also deposits of potassium, phosphorus.

Research indicates consumption of Apple Juice daily can reduce the intensity of wheezing in children with asthma compared to those who only drink Apple Juice once a month. Expectant mothers who avidly eat apples also lower risk giving birth to children who are sick with asthma.

2. Banana

The banana fruit is one type of fruit that is much liked by the public. It turns out that, in addition to the delicious taste of fruit, this one has a good efficacy to help make the respiratory system becomes stronger.

It is proven by research in the United Kingdom, children who consume a banana every day, have a risk as much as 34% lower experiencing asthma symptom such as wheezing. From the results of research of banana fruit is the best source of pyridoxine or also known as vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is a role both in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the cyclic adenosine monofasfat (cAMP). These molecules are already proven in helping bronchial muscle tissue becomes more relaxed.

3. Spinach

Consumption of green leaves this one indeed is often associated with the consumption of healthy foods. Well, talking about the benefits and usefulness, apparently this vegetable consumption can be beneficial to fight and prevent asthma. This is due to a number of nutrients in spinach as well as beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, potassium and magnesium are a good source of vitamins in the fight against asthma.

4. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit entered into the list of fruits a good healthy consumed to prevent and treat asthma. This has been tested in children who experience respiratory related diseases asthma. The high content of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit is very good for the health of the body.

A study stating children who avidly consume kiwi fruit up to 6-7 servings a week once has decreased the intensity of symptoms of wheezing up to almost 50%. This is certainly going to be better than the other children do not consume kiwi fruit.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics and bacteria that are good for the body that works to reduce inflammation that occurs in the body. In addition, the probiotic in yogurt can also reduce allergic reactions. Content of probiotic in yogurt can also serve to reduce the risk of allergies that became one of the triggers the onset of asthma.

6. Carrot

Carrot contains a safe, healthy food range is consumed for asthmatics. The content of antioxidants such as beta carotene that goes into the body is converted into vitamin A. Did you know? Beta carotene will be able to ward off the onset of asthma, especially asthma attack occurs when the sufferer is already doing heavy physical activity.

7. Ginger

Ginger spice is one of the ancient worlds. In addition, there is apparently a good content in ginger that can be beneficial to resolve asthma, namely Ginger has a strong bitter taste the eel will give a distinctive flavor also helps to relieve inflammation.

Here's some good food for asthmatics. Thank you have visited and may be useful for you.

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