9 The Best Food for Asthmatics, Must Read!

9 The Best Food for Asthmatics - Do you have asthma? For you people with the disease is obviously very disturbing your everyday activities. Therefore we will discuss the types of foods that are good for asthmatics who will help you reduce/relieve asthma symptoms. It's good, you understand the cause of Asthma.

9 The Best Food for Asthmatics

These are some of the types of foods that are good for asthma, refer to the following:

1. Banana

The banana fruit is one type of fruit that is much liked by the public. It turns out that, in addition to the delicious taste of fruit, this one has a good efficacy to help make the respiratory system becomes stronger.

It is proved by Research in the United Kingdom, children who consume a banana every day, have a risk as much as 34% lower experiencing asthma symptoms such as wheezing. The result of this research is actually not that surprising if given the banana fruit is the best source of pyridoxie or also known as vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 plays a good role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the cyclic adenosine monofasfat (cAMP). These molecules are already proven in the bronchial smooth muscle tissues help to become more relaxed.

2. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit entered into the list of good healthy fruit that is consumed to resolve to prevent and treat asthma. This has been tested in children who experience respiratory related diseases asthma. The high content of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit is very good for the health of the body.

A study stating children who avidly consume up to 6-7 kiwi fruit servings a week once has decreased the intensity of symptoms of wheezing up to almost 50%. This is certainly going to be better than the other children do not consume kiwi fruit.

3. Apple

The study says that Apple has some efficacy for treating asthma. One study found that pregnant women who consume Apple can avoid/protect disease asthma in children due to genetic. Another study found that by drinking Apple juice every day kids can avoid asthma by 50%. Apples contain a bio-flavonoids like quercetin. Quercetin is known to have anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidants. Read Benefit Apple Fruit For Health

4. Carrot

In addition to several food and beverage ingredients above, any carrots into the ranks of the safe healthy food consumed asthmatics. Content of anti-oxidants such as beta carotene that goes into the body is converted into vitamin a. in a study, women who eat a lot of carrots had a 20% lower risk of suffering from asthma than women who rarely consume carrots. Did you know, beta carotene will be able to ward off the onset of asthma asthma attacks mainly occurs when the sufferer is already doing heavy physical activity.

5. Cabbage

Vegetables are often found in the vegetable soup is also useful in reducing the symptoms of asthma. Cabbage is a source of vitamin C that is able to ward off free radicals in the process of contraction of smooth muscle in the airway. In addition, fitokimio beta-carotene it contains is also an antioxidant that can prevent and reduce the symptoms of asthma.

6. Spinach

Consumption of green leaves this one indeed is often associated with the consumption of healthy foods. Well, talking about the benefits and usefulness, apparently this vegetable consumption can be beneficial to fight and prevent asthma. This is due to a number of nutrients in spinach as well as beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, potassium and magnesium are a good source of vitamins in the fight against asthma.

7. Ginger

Ginger is one of the ancient spices in the world. In addition, there is apparently a good content in ginger that can be beneficial to address asthma, namely Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which will give a sense of the typical and also helps to relieve inflammation.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt containing probiotic bacteria and are very good for the body that works to reduce inflammation that occurs in the body. In addition, the probiotic in yogurt can also reduce allergic reactions. Probiotic content in a yogurt can also serve to reduce the risk of allergies that became one of the triggers the onset of asthma.

9. Broccoli

Green vegetables called broccoli turned out too potent to prevent asthma in children. A research revealed by Dr. Marc Riedl from UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, United States. Research done by giving it a compound containing the broccoli for 3 days to about 100 children are still a toddler and also adult asthmatics. From this study found that the levels of enzymes that have antioxidant properties in the respiratory tract is increased. These antioxidants can protect the respiratory tract from free radicals, air pollution, cigarette smoke, and smoke of the vehicle.

Here are some foods that are good for asthma sufferers. Thanks and hopefully useful for you.

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